Jetstar's Simply Impulsive. Back to Back 5pt Majors.Jetstars Simply Impulsive

Thank you Judges Sharon Newcomb & Joe Walton. Evergreen Chihuahua Specialty. August 18, 2017.

Jetstars Mar El N Jems Memories R ForeverJetstar's Mar-El- 'N' Jems Memories R Forever. Best Long coat puppy.

Thank you Judge Joe Walton. Evergreen Chihuahua Specialty. August 18, 2017.


Parker, another best of variety win today !  

Vinnie another winners and best of winners

Scotty aka GCHS Jakaras Dressed to Impress of Jetstar wins Best of Variety at the Chihuahua club of Oklahoma Specialty with handler Jackie Breazeale

Parker won best of variety today in smooths. First time out since he finished in October Eva won in lc bitches and vinnie won sc dog points

AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T.

AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T.
Health | Education | Accountability | Responsibility | Tradition
I am a member of the AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T. program. I make sure that any puppies or adults that I sell or place comply with the program. Visit AKC's Bred with H.E.A.R.T. page

Breeder of Merit

Breeder of Merit
Jetstar Chihuahuas - Breeder of Merit
Jetstar's Chihuahuas is a proud member of AKC's Breeder of Merit program. AKC's program "Breeder of Merit" was designed to recognize breeders who take an active part in AKC events, health test of breed, and encourage registration of the puppies they produce.